Jumpstart Colostrum

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  • Regular price $53.50

Jumpstart™ Full Cream Colostrum is a replacement colostrum powder, and is designed as a natural supplement for newborn animals that have received little or no colostrum at birth. It is a supplement that will provide essential immunoglobulins for newborn animals. Jumpstart™ has added vitamins and minerals and is high in Vitamins A and E, and Niacin.


For maximum lgG uptake Jumpstart™ should be fed solely on day one. For days 2-4 it is recommended that the animal receives one feed of Jumpstart™ and one feed of milk or a suitable milk replacer each day.


Each 600g pail makes 4L of colostrum milk providing two feeds for a calf or four feeds for other species including lambs, goat kids, foals, fawns, puppies, piglets and cria.