Dunstan All 4 Feet 20kg

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  • Regular price $82.80

Dunstan All-4-Feet is a low starch, quality protein, high fibre enriched formulation, specifically designed to meet the nutrition needs of horses requiring a low starch/low sugar diet and/or at risk from Laminitis and other health conditions.


Dunstan All-4-Feet meets the stringent requirements set by The Laminitis Trust for formulations designed to assist horses susceptible to Laminitis.


Low in Starch and Sugars, High in fibre, essential Amino Acids, and Omega Oils


All-4Feet contains Live Yeast, to enhance hindgut function and support healthy digestion and metabolism, it is also rich in the nutrients that support the horse’s antioxidant defence system, protecting against inflammatory conditions and fostering tissue repair and healing.


Dunstan All-4-Feet supplies Biotin, sulphur-containing Amino Acids, macro minerals, chelated Copper, Zinc, and bio-available Selenium Yeast, necessary for healthy hoof quality and growth.


The high-quality store provides Vitamins K and C which strengthen the collagen in the hoof wall bonds. Dunstan All-4-Feet contains therapeutic levels of Vitamin K and C to prevent deficiencies in horses with limited, or no access to pasture.


Dunstan All-4-Feet is low in sugar in starch and calories but high in essential amino acids, antioxidants, minerals and vitamins to promote tissue repair, muscle building and minimise fat deposition.